Listen and Speak: Special Event, Tuesday August 26th
ListenandSpeak from Sean McRae Loftin on Vimeo.
Citywide Forum with sister churches from the Missouri Presbytery and the Pastoral Fellowship of St. Louis. New friends from Union Theological Seminary, Plant Midwest, and Sojourners joined us from around the country, for this gathering meant to spur discussion across races, theological viewpoints and multiple denominations.
Special Guests at this event:
Pastor William Barber of NAACP Moral Monday Movement in North Carolina; Lisa Sharon Harper, Senior Director of Mobilizing at Sojourners in Washington, DC; Pastor Michael McBride, National Director of Lifelines to Healing.
Please join us for the next forum: Tuesday, September 16th
5:30pm in the sanctuary at South City Church
We Must Speak Up: A Letter to Church Leaders
We Must Speak Up by Mazaré Rogers from Sean McRae Loftin on Vimeo.
This performance prose by Mazaré Rogers is a challenge to Christian clergy who have not addressed cultural issues which have serious impact on the church. But as many of these issues are viewed as culturally or politically controversial, they remain virtually untouched in sermons and planning for ministry development.
– Mazaré is an M.Div candidate at Covenant Theological Seminary. She attends New City Fellowship in University City
– Sean Loftin, the videographer, attends South City Church
– Peace Tabernacle, the video locale, is part of our Pastoral Fellowship